Somerset Pathway Observation Days 2023
Somerset Pathway are actively seeking player nominations from clubs and schools across Somerset for the 2023/24 Winter Training Programme.
Information on Somerset Pathway and the Observation process can be found in the Somerset Player Pathway Handbook.
Please read this document before completing a nomination form.
In addition to the details in the Pathway Handbook, please find information on nomination criteria, nomination forms and the nomination deadline below.
What are the nomination criteria for players?
- Players must meet two of the following four criteria:
- Born in Somerset
- Lives in Somerset
- Goes to school in Somerset
- Plays for a club in Somerset
- Players cannot play for another county
- Players must fall into the following age groups from 1st September 2023:
- Girls – Under 9 (Year 4) to Under 18 (Year 13)
- Boys – Under 9 (Year 4) to Under 18 (Year 13)
- Players must have hardball experience if they are U12-U18 Boys or U13-U18 Girls. U10 Boys, U11 Boys and U11 Girls do not need hardball experience.
How do I nominate a player/players?
Players in the U10 Boys, U11 Boys and U11 Girls age groups can complete a Self Nomination Form or be nominated by their cricket club or school. Players in any other age groups can only be nominated by their cricket club and school.
All cricket clubs and schools on the Somerset Cricket Foundation database have been sent nomination information. Please contact your club or school to discuss nominations.
When is the deadline for nominations?
Nominations must reach us by Friday 30th June.
If you have any questions, please contact Laura Lewis, Pathway Operations Manager, laural@somersetcountycc.co.uk