Club Watch: Week One

Yesterday marked the return of Somerset club cricket for the 2023 season. Let’s take a look at how some of Somerset’s First Team and Academy players got on.

Will Smeed got the better of fellow T20 star Tom Banton as Bridgwater CC beat Taunton St Andrews CC by 111 runs in the West of England Cricket Premier League.

Smeed looked in good touch in the season opener making 53 off 59 balls, including four maximums.

Unfortunately, many of the matches were cancelled due to rain over the course of the weekend but there was a friendly between Taunton Deane CC and Taunton St Andrews CC played on the 29th of April. It was in this match where young Academy player Fin Hill made a sparkling 107 which included 17 boundaries before he was bowled by fellow Somerset youngster, George Thomas. Thomas Rew also impressed, making a quickfire 55 with eight boundaries, four along the deck and a further four over the rope.

We look forward to publishing more of club watch over the course of the summer where we hope to bring you a lot more information of individual successes from the Somerset squad.