Somerset Pathway are actively seeking player nominations from across Somerset for the 2024/25 Winter Training Programmes.
Players can be nominated by anyone; their cricket club, their school, their friends/family or themselves.
Information on Somerset Pathway, the 2024/25 Winter Training Programmes and the Observation process can be found in the Somerset Player Pathway Handbooks below. Please read these documents before completing a nomination form.

What are the nomination criteria for players?
- Players must meet two of the following four criteria:
Born in Somerset
Lives in Somerset
Goes to school in Somerset
Plays for a club in Somerset
- Players cannot play for another county
- Players must fall into the following age groups from 1st September 2024:
Girls – Under 9 (Year 4) to Under 18 (Year 13)
Boys – Under 9 (Year 4) to Under 18 (Year 13)
- Players must have hardball experience if they are U12-U18 Boys or U13-U18 Girls. U10 Boys (Years 4 & 5), U11 Boys (Year 6) and U11 Girls (Years 4, 5 & 6) do not need hardball experience.
- Please note, players who are currently part of the 2023/24 Somerset Pathway Programme, Somerset State School Programme or MCC Foundation Hub Programme do not need to be renominated.

How to nominate a player/players?
Click the appropriate online form link below to nomination a player.
Cricket clubs and schools, please note, we will not be accepting Group Nomination Forms. All nominations must be submitted individually through the online form links.
Nominations must reach us by Friday 5th July.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Laura Lewis – Pathway Operations
07747215232 /Â laural@somersetcountycc.co.uk
U10, U11 and U12 Boys
Nomination Form
U13, U14 and U15 Boys
Nomination Form
U16 and U18 Boys
Nomination Form
U11, U12 and U13 Girls
Nomination Form
U15 Girls
Nomination Form
U18 Girls
Nomination Form

Stage One Observation Dates
All nominated players will be invited to attend a Stage One Observation. The dates for these are as follows. Time slots on each date are on a first come first served basis. All nominated players must attend a Stage One Observation to be considered for Stage Two. There are no alternative dates available.
U10 Boys – Sunday 21st July, Thursday 25th July
U11 Boys – Sunday 21st July, Thursday 25th July
U12 Boys – Sunday 21st July, Thursday 25th July
U13 Boys – Sunday 28th July
U14 Boys – Monday 29th July
U15 Boys – Tuesday 30th July
U16 Boys – Monday 29th July
U18 Boys – Monday 29th July
U11 Girls – Wednesday 31st July, Tuesday 6th August
U12 and U13 Girls – Wednesday 31st July, Tuesday 6th August, Wednesday 14th August
U15 Girls – Tuesday 6th August, Wednesday 14th August
U18 Girls – Wednesday 31st July, Wednesday 14th August

Observation Training Days
U10 Boys, U11 Boys and U12 Boys who are successful at Stage One will be invited to attend the following Observation Training Days. Time slots on each date are on a first come first served basis. Players are invited to all three dates for their age group but must attend at least one to be considered for Stage Two.
U10 Boys – Thursday 1st August, Sunday 11th August, Friday 16th August
U11 Boys – Thursday 8th August, Tuesday 13th August, Friday 16th August
U12 Boys – Thursday 8th August, Sunday 11th August, Tuesday 13th August

Stage Two Observation Dates
Players who are successful at Stage One (or the Observation Training Days if applicable) will be invited to attend a Stage Two Observation alongside current Pathway players. The dates for these are as follows. Time slots on each date are on a first come first served basis. If a player is unable to attend a Stage Two Observation then their Stage One performance will be used when making selection decisions. There are no alternative dates available.
U10 Boys – Thursday 22nd August
U11 Boys – Monday 19th August, Thursday 22nd August
U12 Boys – Monday 19th August, Thursday 22nd August
U13 Boys – Sunday 18th August, Tuesday 20th August
U14 Boys – Tuesday 20th August, Wednesday 21st August
U15 Boys – Wednesday 21st August
U16 Boys – Friday 23rd August
U18 Boys – Friday 23rd August
U11 Girls – Tuesday 27th August
U12 and U13 Girls – Thursday 29th August
U15 Girls – Friday 30th August
U18 Girls – Friday 30th August