

How does it work?

All 2024 Somerset County Cricket Club Members will have access to the Somerset Rewards scheme.

A wide variety of vendors will provide exclusive discounts, 365 days a year with some of the region’s leading brands and organisations taking part. All Somerset Members need to do is show their Membership card on purchase or use a special online code to redeem discounts!

No commitment required, no criteria to meet! Just straight up honest discounts as a thank you for your show of support for the 2024 season.

Below you can find all of your discounts broken up by category.

To claim your discount, all you need to do is redeem the relevant online code or show your 2024 Membership Card in store.

Offers - Attractions

Offers - Food and Drink

Offers - Clothing

Offers - Health & Wellbeing

Other Offers

For Businesses