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Everything you need to know
- We have a limited number of disabled car parking spaces at the Cooper Associates County Ground available for Somerset Members on a matchday.
- 1875 Club and Long Room Members can also book parking for County Championship matches.
- Please note that parking within the Cooper Associates County Ground is extremely limited, and parking will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
- The online portal provides blue badge holders with the quickest and most efficient opportunity of securing a parking space. This can be accessed by visiting the following Members portal
- Car parking bookings will open at 10am two weeks before each matchday.
- If you are successful in securing a space, you will need to complete the online payment in advance
- The cost of booking is £10 per day for blue badge holders. The cost of booking is also £10 per day for 1875 Club and Long Room Members.
- On arrival you will need to present your Membership card AND your pre-booked parking ticket to gain access to the Cooper Associates County Ground.
- Parking will be in the St James Street and Priory Bridge Road car parks.
- Vehicles will be allowed to enter the ground between 9:30am and 9:55am.
- No vehicle movement will be permitted between 9:55am and 11:30am or during the lunch and tea intervals.
- Vehicles can come and go outside of the above times between 11:30am and 6pm.
- Vehicles will be held within the ground for a minimum of 15 minutes after the close of play to allow for the safe exit of pedestrians.
- For more information please call 01823 425301.
- Refunds will only be granted if there is no play.